Feel free and balanced!

The balance session balances the energy field and creates inner peace and balance. This session is based on methods from Chinese medicine and energetic work with the chakras. Especially for stress and tension complaints. A session lasts 60 minutes and costs 60 euros.

Energy healing has a healing effect on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical layers. This session works with the chakras and shamanic healing techniques. Especially for emotional and physical complaints. A session lasts 60 minutes and costs 75 euros.

The Inca shamanistic healing is a complete shamanic healing in the deep unconscious layers and has been practiced in Peru for centuries. This deep healing on the unconscious layers offers help with life questions, intergenerational problems, past lives and healing of trauma and old pain. A session lasts 90 – 120 minutes and costs 125 euros.

A clairvoyant Tarot consult offers insight and advice into your true self and life path, the challenges in your life and life lessons to learn. A consultation is based on Jungian psychology. A consult takes 60 minutes and costs 60 euro. There is a 15% discount on a first consult.

The art of life is the most distinguished and rarest of all the arts. – Carl Jung