Karina Grijzen MSc.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson

Karina Grijzen MSc.
Jungian psychologist, shamanistic healer, Tarot reader, teacher Qigong, Tai Chi, meditation, artist, writer.

I was born in Scheveningen in 1972.

From my childhood I mainly remember learning to read and the contact with nature, animals and spirits. From the children’s books I learned about the earthly world and from the spirits I learned about the invisible world. I inherited healing and clairvoyant gifts from my grandmothers and from past lives. With any gift, it is important to learn how to use a gift.


In my teenage years I discovered the teachings of Carl Jung, psychoanalysis, magical realism in literature and Jane Roberts’ books on the Seth material. The paranormal experiences continued, positive and insightful yet frightening at the same time. Seeing deceased people I didn’t really find funny.


I went to study psychology in Leiden with many fun side subjects such as parapsychology, creative therapy, art appreciation, mathematics, journalism, and magical realist literature. And I studied to be a Jungian philosophical therapist and was a board member of the Jung Society for a while

I began giving Tarot consultations, finding a way to use my gifts to help others. In addition to my studies, I started working in private education. I became a mentor, teacher of Dutch, math and economics 2. Guiding young people to a diploma was something I enjoyed immensely.


To be a good therapist you first go into analysis yourself, according to Carl Jung. So that’s what I did. A journey of healing and self-examination began. A journey through the unconscious and the shadow. Dream analysis I loved.

Suddenly there was Qigong and Taoism. A new world that touched me very deeply. It helped me recover from burn out symptoms and I never let go of these profound teachings. I continued to work in democratic child-centered education. Teaching, developing courses and training, coaching teachers, I still enjoyed everything very much.


By now I was director of an online learning environment for school dropouts, but it felt out of place. I quit and went after my dream. I started my own practice as a Jungian psychotherapist and began teaching Qigong on a weekly basis.

The time had come to further develop and train my psychic gifts. I learned from a Qigong master, I attended the College of spiritual humanities, and I was initiated into Inca shamanism. I developed the session “energetic psychotherapy. A combination of Jungian psychotherapy and energy work for healing trauma and old pain.


A new era is dawning. Marriage to my dear husband Reinier is a true journey. Wonderful.

All of a sudden I discover Taoist master Jeffrey Yuen. His teachings on shamanism, Chinese medicine and Qigong connect exactly, with me, a feeling of coming home. The alchemical work he talks about matches the Inca healing I give, bringing about a change on a constitutional level in the client.

And I become a Buddhist, this too feels like coming home.

I change the name of my practice and school, my own name is in it now. Helping people find balance and healing and transferring ancient knowledge is central.

Studies & training
  • Master in education and developmental psychology, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
  • Jungian counselling, Jungian learning analysis, Jungian study groups, dream analysis, active imagination, creative therapy.
  • Energy healing therapy, chakra work. Initiation in Inca shamanic work. Initiation in Qi group healing. Parapsychology.
  • Journalism.
  • Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Iaido with Chinese and western teachers.
  • Chinese medicine, Tuina therapy.
  • The teachings of Jeffrey Yuen, Taoist master.
  • The Mahayana Buddhism from Tibet.

Tarot consult & healing by Karina – www.ardite.nl
Karina’s school voor Qigong & Tai Chi – www.ardite.org
For conscious living, art & text – www.forconsciousliving.nl

Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. – Oscar Wilde