Karina Grijzen MSc.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson

Karina Grijzen MSc.
Jungian psychologist, shamanistic healer, Tarot reader, teacher Qigong, Tai Chi, meditation, artist, writer.

Jungian psychologist

The psychological development a person goes through in his/her life is of great interest to me. In particular, Carl Jung’s perspective on the individuation process, to become one’s “true self,” serves as a guide in my work. 

So I started as a teacher at a private school for state exams. Passing exams is a true initiation into adulthood. I continued my career in education as an educational developer and manager in democratic education. 

Own practice

Between the age of 40 and 50, I worked as a Jungian psychotherapist at my own practice. At the same time, I pursued further studies for shamanistic energy healer. I added this form of therapy to the practice. Helping people break free from old pain and trauma was central to my work. Taoism is the Chinese philosophy I feel most at home. A way of thinking about life and at the same time rooted in shamanism.

Qigong & Tai Chi

For over 20 years I have practiced various styles of Qigong & Tai Chi. Wisdom Qigong, Taoist Qigong, Wudan Qigong and Wudan Tai Chi. I see practicing Qigong and Tai Chi as training to improve physical health and come to your “true self,” the path of individuation. 

Passing on the ancient knowledge of Qigong & Tai Chi, giving Tarot consultations and healings is currently my work. When I’m not working I study Chinese medicine and I create art & text. 

In 2024 I became a Buddhist in the Mahayana tradition.

Studies & training
  • Master in education and developmental psychology, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
  • Jungian counselling, Jungian learning analysis, Jungian study groups, dream analysis, active imagination, creative therapy.
  • Energy healing therapy, chakra work. Initiation in Inca shamanic work. Initiation in Qi group healing. Parapsychology.
  • Journalism.
  • Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Iaido with Chinese and western teachers.
  • Chinese medicine, Tuina therapy.
  • The teachings of Jeffrey Yuen, Taoist master.
  • The Mahayana Buddhism from Tibet.

Tarot consult & healing by Karina – www.ardite.nl
Karina’s school voor Qigong & Tai Chi – www.ardite.org
For conscious living, art & text – www.forconsciousliving.nl

Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. – Oscar Wilde