Inca shamanistic healing

The Inca healing is a complete shamanistic healing in deep subconscious layers and has been practised in Peru for centuries. From Dona Marquesa, a Q’ero medicine woman from Peru, Karina received the initiations to work with Inca shamanic energy and archetypes.

Between heaven and earth

In Q’ero shamanism, it is common to use animated stones to guide healing. Through the mesa, the bundle of stones, the healer is connected to the Q’ero’s powerful energy field. In this way, the healer guides the healing energy between heaven and earth.

The session

Inca healing offers help with life questions, intergenerational issues, past lives and healing of trauma and old pain. Prior to the sessions, the questions and intentions for the healing are established. 

The first part of the session consists of psychotherapeutic work. Becoming aware of the influence of our thoughts, emotions and behaviours on our energy field is an important part of the healing process.

The Inca healing starts with cleansing heavy energy with the Hoocha stones. Then the Chumpi stones, which are connected to power animals and archetypal forces, are placed on the body. During the treatment, people lie under a blanket with their clothes on. 

During the shamanistic journey, power animals or characters can pass on insights and answers through the unconscious. Old pain flows away, and lost soul parts return. This is called soul retrieval. With the replenishing of life energy, the journey ends and, finally, protective energy bonds are laid.


This healing works strongly in a subtle way in the months after the session. The healing creates a profound change in the subconscious layers, bringing insight, awareness, inner peace and balance. 


An Inca healing costs 125 euros and takes 90 minutes.


Kon. Emmakade 151, 2518 JK The Hague.

Book a healing

Contact Karina via sms/app at 06 45425899 or via the contact form.
You will receive an answer within two working days from


The practice in The Hague is open May 21 through 25, July 2 through 6, August 5 through 10, September 10 through 14, October 8 through 12, November 5 through 9 and December 17 through 21. Online Tarot consultations can be booked each week. In May I’m also giving Tarot consults in Otterlo.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson